1/6th Residents

..::Current Residents::..

 -Genesis Autumnwood-
Gen is the owner of Lyric an exclusive upscale bar and (currently) a gentleman's club. Though she'd eventually like to revert the bar to something that didn't involve naked women, right now she has to do what she can to keep her business going. Genesis brews her own beers, ales, and meads that are rather strange and foreign to this world... it makes one wonder where she might have gone to learn such strange recipes.

-Hekate, Lich-Queen of The Sorrowlands-
Nobody knows anything about her really...

 -Marquis Drake-
Marquis Drake is an A-List Hollywood actor who has taken a break from acting to focus on his charity work and doing some modeling on the side. He is currently the face of Circe Cosmetics new men's line. He's rumored to be dating Rin Darktree, though nobody has confirmed it yet.

-Erin Young-
Erin is currently a full-time student double-majoring in journalism and fine arts. Currently she's accepted a job at a new cafe that hasn't quite opened yet. Until then Erin is still working in the food court at her local college. She hopes working at the cafe will give her a chance to hobnob with people who will be interested in her ideas for a new local fashion magazine.