Monday, October 8, 2012

Just Some New Faces...

Hey everybody!

Just updating with some pictures of new folks (or old folks with new things). I'm really not on any kind of particular hiatus - Ivy is, to say the least, an incredibly exhausting child and with the other little one brewing.. I really have just felt like sleeping after she goes to bed (the time I usually reserve for doll things). Even now I've been up waaay too late, but I really wanted to share some things with you guys!!

First up, I decided a while ago to root Phina another head - this time in mohair. I really love mohair on dolls, it has a very etheral and dreamy look. Since Phina is half siren, it gave her a really nice beachy look which I like for my siren girls! Liz (dutifully) gave her another faceup. I think she's really pretty! I might have her intensify her eyeliner and smoky eye a little more... but I really love her alot! Liz also knitted her awesome bag... she knits lots of nice things (and she'll sell them too if you ask!). I made Phina's top and pants.

Next up is a new face. Her name is Ellaria Nightsong and she is my gypsy girl. She is a fortune-teller and is pretty insistent she has magic of her own... though a lot of people are not incredibly convinced. She is a Sunshine Games Poppy Parker - I redid her hair some. I made her top and skirt. The top I made years and years ago, before I knew anything about sewing and you can see that it's falling apart. I need to make her a new one. The corset was made by my good friend Laura.

I was fortunate enough to receive a great skirt from Cat and Adela definitely snatched it. She really needs business-y clothes so this skirt was perfect for her! I really recommend Cat's clothes. They are nicely lined and made! I made the lace shirt (not as nice as her skirt I assure you) and the necklace.

Her date is obviously late picking her up or something... yikes!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

ReMent Kitties and Ivy's Big Announcement!

Before I get to Ivy's Big Announcement - I wanted to share with you my new little acquistions.

ReMent are seriously like crack. I love kitties (obviously) and ReMent kitties are seriously too much for me to ignore. I have pined over this set of kitties for some time. There are some kitties in this set that I wanted more then others and when an auction came up on E-Bay for the full set at a reasonable starting price - I asked Liz if she wanted to split it with me.

Well we won the auction (and at a very affordable price)! And here is our loot. We plan to decide how to split up the sets this weekend when I go to Michigan to visit her. All parts of these sets (including the individual cat kibbles are removable).

I like this set because the orange kitty looks a lot like my cat Kenny. Suprisingly, I already have an orange Barbie cat from my childhood that looks even more like him! The rug they are laying on is very cute. The pose of the playful kitten is very much like my kitties used to lay when they were just babies.

I took this picture with the help of Hubby who held the little cat teaser for me (ReMent is one of the doll things that we can enjoy together). This little kitty has a very cute inquisitive look and he will look really cute against someone's leg in a diorama, begging for attention.

I really like this kitty because he reminds me of a cat I had named Rex (though he was orange and not gray). The laptop is nice with a little cat head mouse, but it is a bit large. Perhaps it is one of those weird expensive Macs?

I really love this set. The cat is removable from the pot and looks great just sleeping on the counter. The kitten looks like it's her baby (they have the same coloring). I am pretty sure this set will be staying with me.

These bathing kitties have little towels that you can put on top of their heads like they are relaxing in the sauna. I didn't open the package because I didn't want to lose the towels before this weekend. These two look really good just by themselves, especially the one on the right. It looks like it's getting petted.

This set is really fun. The stretching cat is really cute and the sitting cat would look perfect on a couch or a chair. The cat tree is the best part of this set though, it is really well textured to look like carpet. I love it alot but I am pretty sure these two are going to Liz!

This set will be staying with me because Liz already owns this set. I am really glad because I really like these two. The black kitty looks a lot like my Minkywinks (and Liz's cat Salem). The individual kibbles come out of the bowl and the crown just sits on top of the white kitty's head so it's removable.

And now... I present to you my HOLY GRAIL REMENT.


If anyone ever, ever questions why I collect ReMent. I will hold this little guy in my hand and say... THIS... THIS IS WHY I COLLECT REMENT. DO YOU SEE? IT'S A POOPING CAT.

It's just so hilarious I can't stop myself from loving it so much. It doesn't hurt that it looks a great deal like my cat Feisty.

And now I give you Ivy's Special Announcement......

Indeed we are expecting little one #2 in April of next year!! Ivy is very happy that by this time next year she will have someone else to blame all her messes on (being the big sister in my family, I know how it goes!). We will be finding out if she's going to be having a sister or a brother in early December!

Monday, September 17, 2012

High Envy Erin - For Heather at the Majokko Shop!

I really didn't want or need High Envy Erin... so I let Heather from the Majokko Shop use my membership to pick her up since she really wanted her! She got here today, so I thought I would take pictures just so show everyone (especially Heather) what a beautiful doll she is. I really love her dress and accessories - they are really nice!

Not Dead.. I promise!

Hi everyone,

I know it's been a while since the last update. There is still TONS going on... including some big news that will be forthcoming soon. Needless to say, due to said "big news" I am working on culling my hoard of dolls some. This is what I've got to offer right now! Please email if you are interested in anything!

Truly, Madly, Deeply Agnes Giftset - SOLDThis was one of the WClub offerings this year. Her face is freaking drop-dead gorgeous and so much comes with this set. Needless to say Adela was rather p.o.ed that another Agnes showed up - so she's giving her the boot!!

Nude FR2 Luminous Ayumi - SOLDYou all know how much I love this girl. Unfortunately, she really doesn't get the time that she deserves here. She will come with her earrings she is wearing in this picture and in her original shipper. She is on the FR2 body which is alot of fun. Her hair is pretty much perfect from when she came out of the package. I am willing to entertain trades for her...I am especially interested in mint Momokos.

Please email me at if you are interested!!
Stay tuned for more updates soon!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Here I am!!

I have not died (contrary to popular belief). Things have been extremely busy around here chiefly due to the fact that I had to take care of my youngest brother this summer. This has put a severe restraint on my time (and finances) to have fun with doll stuff.

I am right now rearranged my doll room, so it's a wreck. Apologies for the bad lighting on some of the pictures - I really can't even take pictures in my doll room right now... But here are a few quick updates!!

1. Poppy HAS SOLD!!!

2.) We have some new members in the house. First is Cora, an obitsu 02 head (rooted in mohair by me, and face painted by Liz - she is having a bit of a malfunction with one side of her lips - it'll be fixed soon!). She is by far the most maternal and nurturing girl in the house.

And this is Kyrie, a Mission Control Imogen who needs a re-root. She was a birthday present (my birthday is today!!) from Liz (umm what kind of awesome best friend gets you a doll for your birthday? My best friends that's who!) Kyrie is a.... very naughty girl. Which kind of makes sense considering she is a succubus.


I really hope to be around more. Ivy is at that age where she messes with everything all the time, so I can't leave anything doll related out (hence the reason for the doll room "renovation"). I've checked Blogger a lot and it looks like everyone has been having a good summer!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

I'm not dead!

Sorry for the long lag between updates. There has been a lot going on lately so I haven't had too much time to enjoy my dolls as I would like!

Mostly writing, reading, and of course Ivy. We took a trip to Michigan to visit with Liz for a week on a girlcation. That was fun :)

I have Erin's photostory mostly set up I just have to get the time to take pictures.

Back to Brooklyn Jasper has recently came into my home and I'm not sure if she's going to just be a body donor because I kind of like her head. Also Back to Brooklyn Auden is here but he's technically Liz's even though I may end up buying him for myself because I know she has two coming XD I just haven't decided if he quite fits the character I need him to be yet.

I hope everyone is having a great summer! I think Ivy and I are going to go swimming this afternoon while the Hubby works on the car with his friend <3

Monday, May 21, 2012

Me, Ivy, and Monster High... a history

So here is a little story about me, Ivy, and Monster High.

When Monster High first came out - I was not a fan at all. I felt it was a horribly gimmicky doll line that pandered a lot to the "being freaky is cool!" punky-emo zeitgeist. Most of all I despised the fact that they couldn't share clothes with dolls I am REALLY interested in - like Barbie and Fashion Royalty. I didn't know anything about the show, only about the dolls. I guess you can say I didn't "get" Monster High - at all.

One day I was watching random YouTube videos and "Why Do Ghouls Fall In Love" popped up as a suggested video. I said "They did a computer animation movie?" I was originally drawn to it because I felt like Valentine looked a lot like Locke (who you saw in a previous post).

So I hit the play button and walked away from it, to refill my coffee cup. I came back into the room and there was Ivy, clutching tightly to her baby doll, staring wide-eyed at the screen. She absolutely loved it. So in the mornings I started to play her some of the Monster High animated shorts. She loved them too. Not only did she thought they were cute, but I THOUGHT THEY WERE CUTE TOO. I liked the characters. I liked their personalities and their bizarre quirky plot lines.

That's when I got it. It's not about the dolls - it's about the CHARACTERS. And.. I liked the characters and the setting! So I should like the dolls too right? I was still not thoroughly convinced.

We went to the Toys R Us scavenging for Barbie stuff and she immediately nabbed a Monster High doll off the shelf and then went for a Spectra plushie. She was okay with me putting back the doll, but when I put back the Spectra plushie she cried for the first time in a toy store. (She still hasn't gotten her - I am kind of hoping to find them on sale when it's not a week before payday).

That's when I started thinking... you know... It would be really special for Ivy to have a custom of herself. And it's so much more fun to do a custom monster of herself that we can get creative with. Her name is Ivy, so that already lends itself to a kind of plant monster.

And then it was... "Well she has to have friends." Then it was, "Well she'll want to interact with the official characters."

So for now, I'm rationalizing getting some for Ivy's future use. She has a trinket shelf for them to sit on in her room.

So my first Monster High purchase was the Create-A-Monster Kitty/Witch set. I like this idea of giving kids the option to create their own Monsters to attend Monster High. The Witch will be what is turned into Ivy - she will get a root-job, a repaint, and possibly some epoxying done to give her some nice ivy-vine relief on her skin.

The pink Kitty will be getting a new face and needs some decisions made for her hair. Right now she's wearing a Liv wig.

I am really disappointed with the cat ears. They are on clips, I am going to engineering a solution with headpins, heat, and super glue. I'll let you guys know what how it looks, first I have to decide what kind of hair I want to give her. Suggestions?

Kitty shoes!! Squeeeee!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Found!!..... Rock Steady Romain Perrin

Found him!! - Thank you so much Barbara (Poppybelle)!!

If anyone is unable to pay their pre-order, I have the money right now to pay for him. I will pay you his cost of shipping when he arrives to you. I was not a member of W-Club last year so I didn't get an opportunity to order him on my own!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Answers to I-Luv-Dolls Mass Blogger Interview!

 I-Luv-Dolls posted a Mass Blogger interview questionnaire and I decided to go ahead and answer it. I encourage you to answer it too - I'm very interested in everyone's response!

When did you start collecting dolls?
- Collecting? I think it started with the Irwin Sailor Moon dolls and moved on from that. I discovered Volks Dollfies and it kind of went from there.

What was your first purchase as a collector?
 - I would say my first real puchase was my Irwin Sailor Moon Emerald. She's still around here somewhere but her hair is a wreck!

How many dolls do you own?
- I really couldn't tell you...

What is your favorite doll and why?
- I really have alot of favorites... one of my favorites is my Limhwa Half-Elf Cora. I sold her once and then found I was horribly lonely without her.. so I repurchased her in a better resin. Of my 1/6th dolls I have so many favorites. Phina is obviously a favorite of mine (as you can tell because she is always getting her picture taken). I also love my Brides of Dracula Mina version 2 Hekate. I have a few Barbies that I'm really partial too as well. I would count my Head for Glamour Agnes named Adela as a favorite as well!

What doll or dolls are not your favorites and why?
- I'm going to be posting about this soon, but for a long time I didn't "get" the Monster High dolls at all. I didn't understand the hype or craze over them. One day I decided to check out one of the videos on Youtube and saw that my one-year-old went into a near hypnotic state. After watching the videos with her, I can kind of appreciate the Monster High dolls as "character" dolls since I think the show is really cute. A doll I don't see myself converting from disliking anytime soon though are Reborns. I just can't get it. And they really freak me out the way some people sort of "believe" they are real.

What is the biggest challenge about collecting dolls?
- Money. Of course. Some dolls I want are really expensive - some items I want for my dolls are really expensive. I think the expense is a big prohibitive factor.

How do you display or store your dolls?
- My 1/3rd scale BJD's sit in a bookcase for now until I can come up with a more creative way of displaying them. My 1/6th dolls are sitting in one of two dioramas and I hope that they will all have at least a place to sit and be comfortable in dioramas to come. That's my goal.

Have you ever been to a doll show?
- I have. It was fun but it was really geared towards baby doll collectors. I did get some great rement out of it though and I would love to go to more.

When you travel, do you look for dolls?
- Yes I do! I love to shop for dolls even though I mainly just window-shop and do most of my buying online.

What is your latest purchase?
- My latest purchase is a nude James Bond Dr. No barbie. I absolutely am in love with her face. I think she may better fit Maven's character then the redheaded Barbie Basic I have for her now. She's just drop dead gorgeous.

What doll is on your wish list now?
- I would really like to purchase a Beach Bunny Sooki or an In-The-Mix Takeo. I have a character for Sooki and I think Takeo has potential for a couple of characters of mine. I would also like to get some Volks Neo Goh heads and bodies so I can actually get some dudes up in here. Marquis (FR Darius) is feeling pretty lonely!

What do you wish you didn’t purchase?
- I don't really have alot of "doll regrets" if you will. There were a couple of 1/3rd size BJD's that I purchased that I wasn't too happy with. But I didn't take too big of a loss on selling them back.

What is your favorite doll related item?
- My favorite doll related item in general is the Obitsu body. You can buy them from Junky Spot. They are by far the best articulated bodies I own and Emory's (JunkySpot's Owner) customer service absolutely cannot be topped.

How often do you photo your dolls and what doll is the most photographed
and/or photogenic?
- I photo my dolls when I get an idea or when I have something new to show. Phina (1/6) and Cora (1/3) are my two most photographed in their respective collections.

Do you talk to other collectors in person or just on the web?
- Liz and I have been friends for 7 years now. She lives in Michigan, I live in Indiana. So we visit each other usually at least once a month. She is really the only collector I've seen in person in a while but we are hoping to get together to resurrect our "Midwest Meet" and see if we can rope in some other folks to come and spend a day of fun and dolls together.

If you had the chance to speak to Mattel or other toy makers, what would you say?
- Please consider continuing to make articulated dolls. It really enhances the play factor. We all loved pivotal bodies, but playline fashionistas are a stroke of genius that I hope will continue for years to come.

What doll do you wish would be reissued?
- I wish Volks wouldn't have this moratorium on their 1/6th Dollfies. It's really pissing me off.

What two dolls would you combine and how would you want themc ombined? (Muff style question)
- I wish all dolls would be on varying Obitsu style bodies! Really their articulation and look and feel are THAT good.


I think Locke was the third (?) BJD that I bought. He is a Dream of Dolls Camine. Eden was here and Cora was on her way.. and I decided that we needed to have a boy in the house. Locke Hastings is Eden's older brother. He will get a 1/6th incarnation eventually.

There's a lot of strange things about Locke. But really he's just kind of a douchebag. His one redeeming quality... he's rich. Oh and I guess he's pretty cute too. I love to hate him.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

For Sale Updated!!

Please check out my for sale page.

I added Pop Life Christie and Integrity's Spring NRFB.

Open to trades - sales prices are listed.

New Girls

New girlies!!

This is Sindra. She's a Monogram Admiration. All her hair is going to be pulled out and rerooted in Titian. It will go really well with her makeup and skintone (in my humble opinion).

I wanted a Nadja real bad - lucky for me a lot with her and a Pop Life Christie popped up on Doll Pages for just $40 plus shipping!! She is an Illusionist Nadja who had a really insane hair style. I pulled out all the craziness. I wanted her to have more natural hair. I love her braids so I kept those and puffed out her hair in the back so that it had a natural look. I absolutely love natural African-American hair.. it is SO BEAUTIFUL!!

Pardon the flecks of her hair glue on her face - it's from her hair which was almost hot glued together.

She needs a name and a back story something fierce. She is staring me down like "how dare you bring me here and not have anything prepared!!"

She just bawls me over with how gorgeous she is.

Can someone give me some name and backstory suggestions?